As usual the episode was purposefully misleading. They wanted to lead the viewer to believe that Cam was going after Cory only for him to turn around and put Felicia up. Especially when they only showed the part of the jury convo where Felicia promised her vote to Cam. It was nothing like that but I'm not surprised at all.
The comp edit was way dragged out. That's what happens when you stop the game for a week and don't have much else to show. It was 100% obvious that Cory was once again throwing the comp. He had no sense of urgency whatsoever. Did you see him just casually walking back to get more pieces. I don't know what to make of America, I'm glad they acknowledged how quick she did the puzzle on opening night. It's got me thinking that on opening night, she didn't know anyone and had to win jsut to be safe, now that she has a feel for things, she is also too comfortable and thinks she doesn't need to win. They also made it appear to be much closer than what the discussions they had signified. From discussions, Cam was trying to hold off so Matt or Jag could win it but they showed Cam barely beating Matt. Yet another reason to have live HoH comps. Regardless of how long the edit made that seem, I'm pretty certain it was done much quicker and could have made it onto the live show, and if not the live show, continue it on the feeds.