It is so weird that you started this thread because my husband and I just had this same kind of conversation about the show yesterday. He likened the throwing comps to sports as well talking about teams who sew up their playoff spot and decide to rest all their players, sometimes for entire games and then when it is time to go again, the cobwebs show and it tends to be detrimental to A LOT of players that far outweighs the benefits of resting them and protecting them.
America even mentioned after that questions comp that Bowie won that she knows she is getting in her own head because she knew all the material down to a tee and helped everyone else study, but then couldn't pull it off. I think it is more of a situation that her and Cory have been way too comfortable for weeks, not really understanding just how close Cory has been to being backdoored had it not been for people advocating to save his ass.
And if you think about it, he spent the entire week of the double eviction making sure all the ducks were in a row for him to take the shot at Jared, even though he KNEW Jared was hot after his ass and had a lot of connections to make that happen. He BARELY pulled off that HOH and then had to have Matt cover his ass with the veto with Jag there in case Matt fell down at the end or something.
It is also ironic that Cory has talked about people looking at America as being carried through the game by Cory and he will make some arrogant comments like "she's good at some things and knows the game well" kind of like a nice little pat on the head, but it has been BOTH of them being carried through this game and having enough dumb people to continue to do it.
I think Cirie is putting herself in the same category with the comp throwing, but I think she sucks a little bit more than Cory and America in a lot of things. I wonder if she will EVER actually even TRY to win HOH or a veto? My guess is she will take her chances with the votes to the end of the game or the time she goes to jury.