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 T'kor HOH

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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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T'kor HOH Empty
PostSubject: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH EmptyFri Aug 23, 2024 1:57 am

I have to say I didn't see this coming! No word on what it was, but Kimo and Rubina look A LOT more happy about it than T'kor is. Now she gets to find out that people don't have to follow HER plan either.

I assume her noms will be Leah and MJ that way she can still straddle both of her groups (even though the Chelsie/Quinn one isn't official..........yet). Her problem will come with her third nominee. Will she go with Cam? He is about the only one left she isn't aligned with. Then let's see what happens when veto is done and is used to take one of them off the block. Then what happens if another one comes off in the AI arena. People will see there pecking order pretty quickly.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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T'kor HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH EmptyFri Aug 23, 2024 2:22 am

She is starting her one-on-ones before she gets her room. She is setting rules of 20 minutes per person. Kimo is first. First thing out of her mouth was she was going to ask Tucker to go up as a pawn for her. Her target for now is MJ. She is afraid to put up Leah because she knows information about the "underdogs" that has not been made public yet. They were speculating MJ, Cam and Tucker and hoping that the veto is not used. Tucker is going to be BLOWN away with her asking that since there are PLENTY of people to go on the block instead of him.

Kimo was telling her what to say to people. He said not to give others information, just gather information. She is supposed to ask people who THEY want on the block and whether or not they would be willing to be a pawn. What a fucking stupid plan they have right now.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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T'kor HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH EmptyFri Aug 23, 2024 2:51 am

Not sure how much truth there is to it, but Tucker seems to think Quinn threw the comp because he had told Tucker he wouldn't put him up and he knows he is safe with T'kor. Tucker just told Kimo he doesn't want to go on the block and T'kor has PLENTY of options. He mentioned Chelsie and Kimo said he thought T'kor would be keeping Chelsie safe this week at least. Tucker didn't look happy to hear that, but then rattled off several more names.

Kimo then said that T'kor was going to meet with everyone and then later on they can get the group together to talk about it. Oh, and she also doesn't want to put up Leah because they had a conversation yesterday about both of them just staying off the block as long as possible so she thinks she will look stupid if she goes back on that a day later.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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T'kor HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH EmptyFri Aug 23, 2024 3:30 am

So Tucker got his one-on-one with T'kor and he made a BIG DEAL of her win with tears and everything talking about how proud he is and she was eating it up. I wonder if she will now ask him about putting him up. He even told her he was extremely proud.

Then he just talked and told her it is a game, being HOH is hard, do what you have to do. Nobody will hold things against someone like her. He did say if she HAD to have a pawn, he would but he really didn't WANT to be up there.
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Male Posts : 14422
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T'kor HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH EmptyFri Aug 23, 2024 8:32 am

This can get interesting for sure and I can see hypocrisy forming when people don't do exactly what she wants. Of course, she wants to use Tucker as a pawn and I don't blame him for not wanting to do it. What will be really interesting is that if she doesn't use him as a pawn and he doesn't paly in veto or does play but doesn't win, will she succumb to the pressure to try and backdoor him? T this point, that would be a stupid move with AI arena still in paly. He is the favorite to win any comp he plays in and to tey and take that shot while he still hs AI arena chances would just be painting a huge target on your back. And T'kor is not nearly as good as she thinks he is to be able to fight off someone coming after her

I think Tucker pretty much knows she's not going to put up Chelsie, especially after the way T'kor was pushing to keep Chelsie leading up to the eviction. We know she doesn't like MJ so that's an obvious one. Don;t be surprised if she lands on Angela as well, as that is an easy nomination.

I saw something about how she mentioned with her winning HoH and Chelsie winning the AI Arena earlier, that is two victories on the same night for 2 different black women and how it is iconic or something like that. Calvinyawn

I guess having one on ones the night you win HoH has been a recurring theme this season even though they have the entire day on Friday to do it.

This HoH reign will go one of two ways, it will either be very boring and doing all the safe things because she is afraid of blowback. The safe noms would be Angela, MJ and Cam. Or it will be very messy because she overthinks everything and gets herself into trouble.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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T'kor HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH EmptyFri Aug 23, 2024 11:33 am

Well, she did learn that being HOH is a "hard thing to do." Huh, isn't that a revelation?!

Now she doesn't want to put up Cam because that would be 2 weeks in a row and he lost 2 friends too, so that would make her feel guilty apparently. I wonder how much of it had to do with him telling her in the one-on-ones that he doesn't really talk game with people, but he is loyal. He said he wanted to get to the final 4 with Chelsie, T'kor and Kimo which is just the right for her because all are POC's and 2 are female. She told Angela everyone in the 6 is safe, so it would be hard to sell that Angela is going up as a pawn.

Oh and she says that the more she talks to MJ the more she has found she is a "good person" but everyone said her name when asked for suggestions. Well duh, she has no alliance members to offend so of course everyone said that.

I think it will be MJ, Tucker and Cam, which I believe she will regret. Tucker might have celebrated with her and said "if she HAS to" he would go up, but really doesn't want to, but it was just to make her feel he was there for her. With those 3 up there, I am guessing one of them will come off with the veto and that requires another replacement. Not sure who she would choose for the replacement but there is a chance that last minute person is the one who ends up going home. She has to remember that she herself said once noms are set, the people with the votes have the power.
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Male Posts : 14422
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T'kor HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH EmptyFri Aug 23, 2024 9:55 pm

MJ, Cam and Tucker are noms. T'kor feels bad that Cam is up 2 weeks in a row but Cam doesn't give a shit. Read between the lines and T'kor feels guilty to put up a black person. This makes me think even more she won by accident. I read somewhere it was questions and she won on the third question.

So which way will her DR's go Sunday, she was gunning for it, or didn't want it? That prop bet would be 50/50, her doing the DR with a fake accent that goes in and out is 100%
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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T'kor HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH EmptySat Aug 24, 2024 1:08 am

She told Kimo and Leah that she was not trying to win it at all, it happened by accident. I'm thinking she didn't want it to be obvious but so did a lot of other people as well. Leah said she was afraid that might happen to herself (so apparently she was throwing as well).

I really hope this things goes south from what she is hoping for and a POC goes home on HER HOH. All she had to do was put up 3 people she doesn't want there or in jury and put them up, but she had to try to be strategic between all her many alliances. Funny how the same shit her and Kimo hated Quinn for, she is now doing, a small alliance within the big alliance, outside alliances and such.

Oh, and when they were naming their newest alliance (formed Thursday before the eviction show) with T'kor, Kimo, Rubina and Tucker called Friendzzzz (not a typo), apparently Tucker spit out the suggestion of Visionaries and I would love to have seen Kimo and T'kor when that happened!
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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T'kor HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH EmptySat Aug 24, 2024 4:02 am

So T'kor told Kimo that she would be okay with anyone currently on the block going home this week. I guess Cam's gender outweighs his skin color for her.

Apparently they hope Tucker wins veto and will leave the noms the same so she doesn't have to renom anyone. Are you kidding me? How much more does this guy have to give before they save HIS ass for a change? And now Rubina has even told her if she needs HER for a renom, she would be fine with it. What the hell is the matter with these idiots?

Now I really want this to go south in a hurry. MJ needs to win AND USE that veto. Leah will be freaking out about going on the block and I am thinking she would probably be the replacement. But if T'kor chickens out and doesn't want to make ANOTHER enemy, would she put up Rubina since she volunteered? It would be stupid, but they are afraid of a DE coming up and her having enemies. Or, would they see this as a way for them to possibly take out Tucker with Rubina on the block not able to help save him?

I could see a couple of situations where the vote could be a tie and T'kor would have to choose to send home Cam (a man of color) or Tucker and this puts a HUGE target on her back for people who might want to keep him or those who don't want to compete with her as a thing on her resume.

In any event, this putting up people from your own group (whether official or unofficial) needs to blow up AGAIN!
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Male Posts : 14422
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Location : Cleveland, Ohio

T'kor HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH EmptySat Aug 24, 2024 9:22 am

If Tucker were to win and nit use it then he deserves to go home. I think it would be extremely ballsy to even ask him to not use it. Rubina is an idiot. Why are people still volunteering.

If Tucker is still on the block after AI arena, they would all be idiots to not take their chance to get rid of him. And I think he'd actually be fine with it if it's not jury yet. I remember him saying something about not wanting to be in jury
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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T'kor HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH EmptySat Aug 24, 2024 1:18 pm

What he didn't want to do is be in jury early and cooling his heels with nothing to do for such a long period of time. But he is closer to people now and I don't think he would just check out as he had threatened to before.

I agree that if they are given the opportunity, they would be crazy not to keep him (except Rubina, cuz nobody would have her back like he would). But for Rubina to ACTIVELY plan to take him out I think is just crazy. If she was really trying to convince people she is her own player, then she would have to stop with all the fawning over him every time he comes into the room and worrying about him spending time with anyone else. Then she goes even a step further and tells her other close friends that he is "her person" in life.

Like you said though, even asking him not to use it speaks volumes. I wouldn't do it. He did it before to shake things up and make people play. Now it is time to settle down and play a bit more traditionally.
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PostSubject: Re: T'kor HOH   T'kor HOH Empty

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