So they are back to making the vote a hinky one all to protect Cirie from Cameron. She is going to be "very upset" when Red is evicted so Cameron stays on her side. They also covered Jared's tracks by him going to Cameron today to tell him he thinks something is brewing with the vote and it is all caused by Felicia. This is partly true because Felicia did lose her mind again and started spouting shit all over the place (more on that in a bit), but it is just an excuse. Jared then told Cam that if the vote comes to a tie, he will send Jag out because he WANTS Red to stay. In the meantime Cam is making promises to Bowie and Red if the HOH comes down to him and Red he will step aside gladly for him.
Izzy and Cory plan to tell Cam that they heard that Red was going to put the 2 of them up to backdoor America and that scared them, and they also heard about all the flip-flopping on the vote and didn't want to be on the wrong side of it. There is also talk from certain people to put the blame on Cory and America for Red leaving, etc.
The Felicia part of this is because she got a bee in her bonnet because Cory, America, Jag and Matt were up late last night. MeMe was with them for a little while. Felicia decided that these 4 (not MeMe) were an alliance and they have to get rid of Jag to bring Matt back to their side. She apparently didn't realize that Cory and America were in the loft while Jag, Matt and MeMe were in the kitchen. She started going around and telling everyone the vote was flipping and Jag was going and she wasn't being quiet about it. Even Red and Bowie heard her spouting about the votes going back and fourth. Then 5 minutes later she went by and told Cory and I think MeMe that now they aren't sure what they are doing so stay tuned and such.
Everyone is tired of Felicia and her antics. She really believes she is untouchable, but I have a feeling she just might see the block this week depending on who gets this HOH.
I really have a bad feeling about this vote and how they are all trying to overthink things or trying to outsmart others. I would LOVE to see a 5 to 5 vote so Jared is put on the spot, but I am not sure he wouldn't keep Red because he is afraid of Cam getting HOH, and of course he started all that crap to tell Cam the vote was going weird and it was supposedly pissing him off when he should have just kept his mouth shut.