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 Cedric HOH

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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptyFri Aug 02, 2024 5:05 am

Cedric won HOH. Early plans are for him to put up Angela and Kenney with Leah, Rubina or Mak as the third nominee. He is shying away from putting up Mak because he doesn't know the details of Mak's power. He is worried if he puts up Leah that Mak can take her down (true). He doesn't want to put up Mak just to have her take herself down and then she stays and he pissed her off. Cedric and some of this cronies say that Leah won't take it well. Cedric kind of hinted that Rubina might be an option to her and she let him know she wasn't happy but would respect his decision. He assured her that Angela is is target. Brooklyn is aligned a bit with Rubina and might be trying to get a girls thing going with Leah and Mak, but is being cautious. She knows she is at the bottom of the other groups, but doesn't want to many irons in the fire (pretty smart player actually). Anyway, she tried to get Cedric to consider putting up Joe because she didn't think he would actually win the veto and then he wouldn't have to make a renom. But of course Kenney has shown he CAN win so that might not make sense. I think he will probably choose Rubina thinking she will just be a sport about it and not take the chance that Mak's power could end up hurting him in some way.
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Male Posts : 14422
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptyFri Aug 02, 2024 7:59 am

I've had it with these pussies and not wanting to piss Mak off because she has the power. Flush that damned thing out and just tell the house the reason why so that if she retaliates, you have the numbers to stay. Mak and Leah are on the outside of everyone but yet everyone is so afraid of them and continue t use Kenney and Angela as pawns.

Can we please get the house to be divided and flush out these fucking upgrades already so the game can be played.

As far as Quinns upgrade, unless Angela gets another HoH, I think it will go unused since it's just a matter of time before the rest of the house is aware of it and he's another one that is afraid to piss people off. Pissing people off is a part of the game.
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Male Posts : 14422
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptyFri Aug 02, 2024 10:07 am

So MJ's MO is to tell whoever is HoH about here power. At this point I don't think there's anyone left in the house that doesn't know she has it, but they are all afraid of her with this power. Rip it off like a band-aid and get it over with.

Production has got to be pissed about this and once again their twist is backfiring on them. This America's veto has essentially turned into 4 weeks of safety. So yet another reason that it should have been a requirement to keep it secret. I'm sure the DR is going to be getting into Cedrics head to put her up to flush the power out. If she still has it next week, then it makes sense to not flush it out as it's the final week she can use it. Although I'm not sure if anyone is aware of the expiration on it.

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Male Posts : 14422
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptyFri Aug 02, 2024 4:34 pm

So apparently Leah told Rubina that if she had won HoH, Cedric would be going up. So now why is Rubina NOT sharing that information with Cedric? Aren't they supposed to have each others back? Rubina is a perfect example of why you shouldn't believe the initial interviews with the cast. If you remember on night 1, Rubina talked about ow loud and feisty she was going to be in the house. And since the show started she went chameleon and faded into the background.

MJ told Cedric about the power and clarified with him how it works, that he doesn't name the replacement, but America does. Now based on that info and Angela's crazy behavior, the smart move for Cedric would be for initial nominations to be Leah, MJ and Kenney. Kenney is the years professional pawn. The initial targets being either MJ or Leah. Yes, MJ will use her power if she does not win veto and as long as Leah doesn't win she becomes the target. Don't worry about the replacement nom that America votes in, you have both The Pentagon and The Collective to help out if it's an ally (most likely it would be Angela, but he doesn't know that)

Tucker is already offering to be a pawn again and says he's not worried because he will just continue to crush the AI arena comps. Oh how I would love to see this bite him in the ass and someone else beat him in the comp on eviction night and then he goes home because the house thinks they won't be able to beat him in another comp
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Male Posts : 14422
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptyFri Aug 02, 2024 5:24 pm

Cedric will officially become the dumbest HoH in the history of the game if he goes through with this.

Him, Kenney and Tucker have just formed an alliance and call themselves, "The Shaken Up". The three of them have decided that the best way to solidify the alliance is for Cedric to put the both of the up on the block next to Angela. I guess the idea is that nobody will think they're in an alliance if Cedric puts 2 of them up. I have no words for how dumbfounded I am by this development
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptyFri Aug 02, 2024 6:02 pm

Did you see the part where Cedric thought it would be a GENIUS move to put up MJ with Kenney and Angela because MJ would use her power and take herself down.  That way America would choose the replacement and he would not have any blood on his hands for the nomination.  The part he isn't considering is that America making that replacement doesn't mean it will be someone HE wants to be chosen.  He wants Angela to go home and Kenney is the backup.  There was one point where Kenney said he would NOT use the veto if he won, but I think he was trying to make a point in front of Tucker and Cedric because he later told a couple of people he would never throw a comp and he would certainly not stay on the block if he won the veto.  I think he knows he is on the outside looking in and is trying to build some kind of trust with people, but he is doing it all ass backward.

At any rate Tucker almost BEGGED to be put up as the 3rd nominee because he is "unbeatable" especially against Kenney and Angela.  He also pushed for MJ to be put up, but Cedric already told MJ she was completely safe this week and had NOTHING to worry about.  This is what these people who aren't HOH just don't get.  Just because THEY believe it should be this nom or that nom, doesn't mean it is right for the person who won it.  

Take Joe for instance, he told Cedric that everything thinks that he the most solid with Quinn, but in reality he is more with Cedric and Cedric is "his dude."  He said he would do anything for him, but thinks they should keep their distance so people don't catch on and such.  Then he tells him to put up Rubina since they don't talk game and tell her that is the ONLY reason she is up there.  Later Cedric asked if Joe would be a pawn and he said I would do anything for you, but not that, find someone else.  I would never volunteer or agree to that either, but he had no trouble telling him how Rubina or Leah would just have to take one for the team and they aren't even on the fucking team!

Ultimately, I think he is going with Angela, Kenney and Rubina.  His only reason for not settling on Rubina (and he did hint to her she could be a possible nom) is because T'kor said she didn't want her on the block.  Well she may be in his alliance, but if she wants to dictate who goes up, then she should win the damn comp herself!

Oh, and Joe told Cedric he threw the comp because he didn't want to have to put up 3 people and get that blood on his hands!  That right there would tell me that he can be a pawn for sure because by all accounts he was terrible in this HOH comp as well.  And FYI, Kenney came in second in the HOH comp apparently.  He told Cedric with Tucker there if he had won he was going to put up Rubina, Brooklyn and Joe.  He also said that Quinn "has to have the other power" but others said it could be T'kor.  He said he doesn't see that at all it had to be Quinn.

I just got this all typed up and saw your next post and I have to say I thought I saw something coming from these 3 because of the talks they had earlier and Tucker saying he was "unbeatable" and this would eliminate Angela "for sure." I really hope this all blows up in their faces!
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Male Posts : 14422
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptyFri Aug 02, 2024 9:02 pm

Well Cedric went ahead with that idiotic plan where he puts up 2/3 of his newest alliance. Angela, Kenney and Tucker are nominated. I need to run over to the make a wish thread
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptyFri Aug 02, 2024 10:39 pm

Well let's be real, Cedric doesn't see this as an actual alliance anyway, just a way out of his HOH without anyone pissed off at him.............at least until things go off the track.
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Male Posts : 14422
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptyFri Aug 02, 2024 11:13 pm

Lets also be real that Cedric has no chance to win this game based on this HoH alone. You cannot be afraid to make moves. With the exception of Angelas HoH, the others are afraid to "get blood on their hands". It's way too early in the game to be playing scared. It's sounding like Cedric didn't even want this HoH and it fell in his lap, but I'll guarantee that come Sundays show it won't be shown that way
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptySat Aug 03, 2024 3:12 am

Some of Cedric's problem is that he knows VERY LITTLE about the game. Apparently didn't even see it until some episodes in sequester. That being said, most of this cast simply has NO COMMON SENSE which in some ways is much more important than knowing the ins and outs of the show. And then there are the ones who think they are experts at everything and know everything (like Tucker) who will have his arrogance hit him in the face at some point, or at least I hope so.

Another clueless one is Cedric and he is quickly losing the trust of his allies in different groups and he doesn't even know it. When people were talking about different powers and what they COULD be last week, some talked about taking over HOH, etc. He said "why would you even have the HOH comp then if someone else is going to be in charge? That wouldn't make any sense, so that can't be it." Others explained but he still seemed skeptical.

I've figured out today that Cedric is very much influenced by the person who talks to him last. If he is in a room and someone is saying a certain nomination or target or whatever, he will agree. He will go to another room and starts saying that information, but the new person tells him why it is better another way and he will change to THAT choice. After his one-on-ones, he went back and forth over and over not knowing what to do.

This is actually one season where I could see a girl's alliance could work if the group of girls is right. I think Brooklyn, Chelsie, Rubina, MJ and Leah could pull it off. They all lie well (with the exception of MJ), but I think they could easily divide and conquer. The biggest roadblock is actually Chelsie because she doesn't want to let go of her core group (Cedric, Cam and herself), but she doesn't like or trust Cam, so how much sense does that make? Brooklyn knows she is on the bottom of the pentagon and I'm not sure if she is in the collective or not, but she knows about it. Brooklyn and Rubina are a strong pair that nobody really sees too.

But, of course, as history shows us, girls can't seem to put petty differences away and they can't leave the boys behind that they THINK they need for those "physical comps" and they shoot themselves in the foot. It really is too bad.
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Male Posts : 14422
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptySat Aug 03, 2024 9:11 am

I don't buy the not knowing the game excuse. Even if someone has been living in a cave for the pst 25 years and never seen a reality show. This game is not that difficult to figure out, at least as far as a basic strategy. You may be on to something about how easily influenced he is and you just need to be the last person he talks to. But I still can't wrap my head round the thought process that any of them have for this latest 3 person alliance with putting tw of them on the block. Sure, Tucker has the hubris that he can win anything at anytime he wants to, and even that doesn't make much sense. I think Kenney may just keep volunteering as it makes him more likeable to people.

The whole thing with this game anymore is everyone is afraid to "get blood on my hands" It's like they want to turn the game into a popularity contest and just be liked. It reminds me of the dumbest question Jeff always asked in pre-interviews "Would you rather be liked by America and lose, or be hated and win?" And the number of people that wanted to be liked was mind boggling
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptySat Aug 03, 2024 3:57 pm

Of course to us it is easy to figure out the premise, but people who never watched the show and then watch a couple of seasons (preselected by production) in sequester have a narrow view on how the play the game. The biggest problem with that is they don't have any context for anything because the episodes don't reflect what is happening behind the scenes.

Then there are the people who supposedly KNOW the game and are completely oblivious and ignorant of what is going on. Take Joe for instance, he had been complaining that The Collective has not been having meetings and pushed for one last night. It was supposed to be a 6 group alliance, but apparently Brooklyn has now been added and Joe isn't really happy about it. Brooklyn knew about it from Chelsie when it first happened.

Anyway, they ALL go to the HOH room (except Kimo who fell asleep early) at midnight and confirm they are an actual alliance. Joe tried to lead things to make people guarantee not to put up their own, etc. They discussed replacement nom is veto is used, some said Leah, others said Rubina. Joe tried to push back a bit on Leah (he thinks he has her) and defended Tucker as being a shield for them because he thinks Tucker is one of his closest friends in the house.

Following this meeting, Joe did some camera talking about how HE is controlling the game, HE had to lead the meeting because others are lost without his advice, HE is the star of the show (yes he actually said that) and HE thinks he can win the game without winning a single comp! And this is a guy who "knows" the show apparently. He then said this game is easy and this was the perfect cast for him. Oh, and he also said building an alliance is exciting, like he just did this last night.

There is being oblivious to your surroundings and then there is Joe. This guy is so far into fantasyland, I can't even comprehend it. Then after all of this, he goes to Tucker and tells him every member of The Collective. He tells Tucker that he is a target for the group and therefore needs to win the next HOH. Tucker asked specifically about a couple of people (Chelsie was one), but then wanted to know if Leah was going to be the renom. Joe said Leah or Rubina. Then Joe told him that Brooklyn was added late to the group without his permission and now she is the "brains" of the entire group.

This is actually the way he talks. Does he not realize that he just said that the entire group has no brains except for Brooklyn and that would include himself? He also told The Collective in the meeting that this season is "completely different" from other seasons because there is only ONE alliance (The Collective) and nobody else is organized. He said he thinks a few girls are trying something, but it won't go anywhere because they are all scared of them.

Can't wait until Tucker goes to Chelsie and/or Cedric and Kenney to ask why they didn't tell him about The Collective. I just wonder if he will rat out Joe or if they will all start pointing fingers around the group trying to figure it out. Joe will shit his pants when this starts coming up.
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Male Posts : 14422
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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptySat Aug 03, 2024 8:17 pm

It's not jsut us taht can figure it out after watching for years. The premise is not that difficult to figure out and sometimes it's better to be on the outside looking in. A perfect example of this is season 18. Paul had never seen an episode and played a great game all the way to the final 2 chairs where I still think he was robbed. He was actually entertaining that season. Then they bring him back the following season and he's a complete dickhead. Thinks he's a master of the game and basically gets tot he end by brute force.

Joseph has no clue, him and his porn stache may make jury but that's about it. The worst thing someone can do is get comfortable and think things are easy. One thing he got right though is that they area boring group of houseguests.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

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Cedric HOH Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH EmptySat Aug 03, 2024 9:27 pm

OMG Ctown, you see it too?! Joe does look like a 1980's adult film actor and it is all about that stupid mustache. He also thinks he is so cool, but yet talks about always being shunned throughout his life. Like I said, he doesn't read a room or body language AT ALL. He just got lucky to land in a group that knows he is a number for them and nothing else really. Yes, he is right about this cast being so boring, but he thinks that is due to their (The Collective) success in the game and nobody else has anything going on. Again, clueless. Just wait until the lightbulb goes off in his head when he realized how badly he has been played.
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PostSubject: Re: Cedric HOH   Cedric HOH Empty

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