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 Chelsie HOH (2)

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V.I.P. Thread Hog

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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptyFri Sep 06, 2024 2:06 am

Chelsie apparently won HOH with a tiebreaker question with multiple people. Don't know who those people were or anything, but she is the HOH.

She met with Cam and started talking about how he would "choose Leah over her" and things like that. He basically told she was crazy. She said he has gotten close to "others" in the house (Leah and MJ) and he would probably even choose the house over her. He again told her she was crazy. He pointed out he tells her about any alliances or offers he has with anyone and if he was going to screw her over why would he do that. He told her he doesn't know HOW to prove any of this to her. He said he knows that Leah is out for herself and this is VERY clear and MJ voted with the other side of the house (but so did Chelsie).

Initially Cam said to put up Rubina and Kimo, but she said they would never put her up. After a bit more discussion her to put up Kimo and Angela with Rubina as the renom. Then he told her that Leah and Angela were the biggest threats to HER game.

She then met with Angela who said she doesn't want to go up as a pawn. She said she is "nana" and her grandbabies love seeing her on TV, but they can't in the jury house. They NEED to see her on TV 3 times a week. Wow, that is certainly a new one!

Quinn told Leah that he had 2 very unsuccessful HOH where his allies were sent home. She said he final 2's keep disappearing. Then she said her entire game just went POOF tonight. Both of these idiots have nobody to blame but themselves.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptyFri Sep 06, 2024 2:27 am

MJ told Chelsie to put up Angela and Tkor. There was no context given on the update I read, but I am assuming her thought process is that it would make SURE that Angela is actually evicted this time since everyone LOVES Tkor so much.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptyFri Sep 06, 2024 4:00 am

It sounds like it came down to Chelsie, MJ, Cam and maybe Kimo in the comp and Chelsie won the tiebreaker. Chelsie told Leah she would have rather had Cam or MJ win it so they got the room, pictures and letter, but they gave too high of a number.

Chelsie did a great job of really grilling Leah about some past things and kind of put Leah on her heels a bit. She handled it well, but it didn't look like Chelsie really bought everything she was selling. She did tell her she would like to see her go to top 5, but she also told Quinn she wanted him to go very far. She is concerned the double eviction is coming this weeks (that's why she didn't want this particular HOH) and she wants a little blood on her hands as possible. By blowing a bit of smoke she can probably come out of that okay. She told Leah that Angela begged not to be put up, but the whole house wants her up. Leah said she doesn't like how people are so quick to throw her name out like that. Then Chelsie told Leah and Angela's suggestion was to put up Quinn and someone who has not been on the block at all yet. Apparently she has forgotten AGAIN that would include Leah as well.

Chelsie then said she was leaning toward Kimo and Angela and she hopes EVERYONE will leave the noms the same and Leah said she definitely would!
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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptyFri Sep 06, 2024 8:34 am

Well it was a great first half of the season. And now this is exactly what I was afraid of. Ai arena is gone and the game is going to get boring.

Chelsie says she went low to give Cam and MJ a chance to win the game proves shes not as smart as she thinks she is. When throwing a tiebreaker you need to go the Jun Song route

Unfortunately, this is likely Angela's final week in the house. Although I give her credit for trying to tug on heart strings a little bit. It's worth a shot at least.

The smart move this week would 100% be T'kor and Kimo. These idiots need to wake up and realize that while doing nothing, T'kor is the one that is really running the house. She is getting her way almost every week and when things do go wrong (The Tucker thing), she still comes out smelling like a rose.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptyFri Sep 06, 2024 3:30 pm

Apparently MJ was the closest but went over. I am surprised that Chelsie didn't go high knowing the game as she does. I wonder if she was trying to leave a chance for the others, but was also worried about Kimo being HOH, not for herself but for the group she wants for now. It could be that she is just saying that now because she feels bad taking away the chance for Cam or MJ to get the pictures and letter.

She handled her one-on-ones very well. She had reasons for her decisions and not where this person or that person deserves or doesn't deserve to be there. They were decisions that were best for her own game because ultimately she wants a final 4 of herself with Tkor, Rubina and Cam. That is a VERY dangerous final 4 for her because Cam is very passive about the game and Tkor and Rubina are VERY close.

What would be great to watch is if Kimo wins veto and see Tkor being nervous about her and Rubina being replacements and not asking but hinting Kimo should stay up there "to help Chelsie" and see Kimo's reaction. I think he ultimately would save himself because Chelsie said it would be Quinn or Leah. If she were to put up Leah, that would put Leah next to Angela! Tkor would be in control of 3 votes if Kimo comes off the block and that is all it takes for a tiebreaker to send someone home. Tkor has motivation to send Leah out because she is the only other person in the house having never been on the block. Plus Chelsie gets rid of someone in HER way with her relationship with Cam (which also protects Tkor) and removes a wildcard in Leah who can mess up plans like she did last week. It also takes away a person from Quinn making him get back to Tkor's control as well.

Meanwhile, Chelsie is grooming MJ about who to put up if she wins HOH next week. MJ said if Angela is gone, she would put up Kimo but didn't know who to sit next to him and Chelsie suggested Tkor because "she won't go home." Her and Quinn both keep hinting to others that Tkor is in the best position of the house because everyone LOVES her, but yet she seems to want to take her to the end with her. I guess it is because of the physical nature of the end-game comps she can beat her and obviously in memory comps most of the time as well.

The thing that impresses me about Chelsie is she thinks things through and has strategy for her decisions. She uses her one-on-ones to get information or to schmooze people without them even realizing it. But she is also realistic. When talking to Tkor, she said she would vote for Cam to leave, but she WILL NOT put him up unless there is nobody left. She tells Cam the same about Tkor.

That being said, I still want shit to get screwed up a bit this week with the wrong person winning veto so it is used and I hope Leah ends up on the block as a result.
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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptyFri Sep 06, 2024 3:47 pm

I'm not 100% convinced that Angela is the target. We are only at step 1 of this HoH and while Chelsie may already be saying who her replacement would be, I don't think she's thought too much about it yet, but will when she has to.

We're only one day removed and I already miss AI arena. I didn't think I would ever like a twist they've come up with, but this one was top notch
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptyFri Sep 06, 2024 7:00 pm

ctown28 wrote:
I'm not 100% convinced that Angela is the target.  We are only at step 1 of this HoH and while Chelsie may already be saying who her replacement would be, I don't think she's thought too much about it yet, but will when she has to.  

We're only one day removed and I already miss AI arena.  I didn't think I would ever like a twist they've come up with, but this one was top notch

Well if Angela wasn't the target, after her second talk with Chelsie I think she is now. She had a hissy fit, she cried, she bitched, she accused, she begged, she tried for sympathy, and even was grateful at times, but none of them changed things. Chelsie finally talked her down and even pushed back pretty big when Angela started saying Chelsie isn't a woman of her word. She told her straight up that she might WANT others on the block, but those people have the numbers to stay and/or get off the block, so she can't make enemies of them when they are coming up on a double eviction. Then she told her Kimo would be next to her and Angela freaked out again saying NOT KIMO!!! She pleaded for her to put up Tkor because Tkor would be happy to do it for him. Eventually she told Angela that this is probably her best option to stay in the game, but she has to handle it well because the entire house will be watching, etc.

I agree that the AI arena was an awesome twist that I think made things very interesting. People couldn't lock shit in quite as tight and it made people have to think about their noms a lot more. I hope they bring that back in the coming seasons.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptySat Sep 07, 2024 1:31 am

The feeds had technical difficulties after going down for the nominations, but it was pretty much set that Kimo and Angela would be the noms. Chelsie warned Angela not to make a scene or anything and before leaving the HOH room she said she didn't want people to know she had been crying, dried her face and such. Kimo then met with Chelsie for just a few minutes and said he was fine with what was going on (Tkor had told him about it and explained that it is best and she is the queen apparently).

Angela's stiff upper lip and quietness lasted about 5 minutes and she was in the bathroom with her head on Kimo's shoulder talking about how this all sucks to badly and that she cried her eyes out on national TV for him. She was crying and talking about how "fun" Kimo is and he is certain to be okay on the block, etc. He told her she is "fun" too. Keep in mind that Chelsie just told her that anyone sitting next to Angela in the game now is in danger.

Suddenly the reason for her being there "sharing a moment with Kimo" was made clear. She asked him if anyone talked to him one-on-one to advocate for Angela to stay and Lisa to be evicted? He said he didn't recall that happening. She did that because Chelsie told her in their meeting that she had to get people to switch from sending her home instead of Lisa, so she is apparently "fact-checking" things for future ammunition. So I wonder WHEN she will pull out this little nugget of information to throw out to show Chelsie is lying to her? I would guess right after the veto ceremony where nobody takes her off the block and she wants Chelsie to break the tie in HER favor sounds about right.
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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptySat Sep 07, 2024 9:53 am

I don't remember completely, but wasn't it Tucker that got everyone to vote Lisa out? I wouldn't even call it a flip. I think that was the easiest eviction of the summer. She would have went week 1 if not for winning veto. She was one of the most annoying players in BB history. That glitter on everyone's food is enough to push anyone over the edge
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptySat Sep 07, 2024 1:41 pm

Hell, I don't remember who did that with Lisa. I know there were people saying pros and cons to both. I just find it interesting that Angela gets fixated on the very people who hold her fate each week and then zeros in on that to her own detriment. I'm guessing she will be going around asking everyone about this and then will either ask Chelsie about it or Chelsie will find out from others she is asking.

Tkor is trying to REALLY push Chelsie to solidify something together and Chelsie keeps putting it off. She asks her if she wants the girls thing or what. Chelsie just kind of wants to "prioritize" various scenarios but let the game dictate what happens. She doesn't like getting into alliances just for the sake of it. Tkor, Rubina and Kimo stayed up last night waiting for others to go to bed so they could talk to Chelsie, but Cam must have figured out they were doing that because he stayed up too. I don't think they ever made an alliance, but Chelsie did tell them she would put up Leah if the veto is used because "she won't go home" anyway. She told them she can't put up Cam and won't put up MJ or Quinn. They didn't push back too much at the time.

Of course later Tkor and Rubina talk and say they can't "play scared" right now. Funny how it made such a different when Tkor was HOH. I think Chelsie making good decisions for her thinking a double is coming up. If she were going to make a bigger move, it would certainly be to break up that trio, but that would put a target on her for the other 2 coming up, so I see why she isn't doing it.
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Male Posts : 14422
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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptySat Sep 07, 2024 2:35 pm

I disagree. I get the wanting to think a few steps ahead and such, but you still can't play scared. Once veto is played she will see her options and if she has an opportunity to break that power trio up, then she needs to take it. And I don't mean leaving noms the same and voting Kimo out, that she can't control, but she can control who the replacement nom is. If the opportunity presents itself to have T'kor and Kimo up there together, you have to jump on it.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Chelsie HOH (2) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chelsie HOH (2)   Chelsie HOH (2) EmptySat Sep 07, 2024 4:05 pm

ctown28 wrote:
I disagree.  I get the wanting to think a few steps ahead and such, but you still can't play scared.  Once veto is played she will see her options and if she has an opportunity to break that power trio up, then she needs to take it.  And I don't mean leaving noms the same and voting Kimo out, that she can't control, but she can control who the replacement nom is.  If the opportunity presents itself to have T'kor and Kimo up there together, you have to jump on it.  

You are forgetting that she wants to play with Tkor and if she puts her up on that block, it is over. Chelsie isn't as locked in as Tkor, but you can be sure she wants a female POC to win the game and if they get them to the final 3 that would make her happy. If Kimo gets off the block, Leah needs to be the one evicted because she is a wildcard and only really associated with Quinn. Even MJ is seeing that she doesn't REALLY have her back like she thought. If Leah is gone, Quinn would radiate to Chelsie and helps her numbers even though he is hard to trust as well.
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