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 Cedric veto

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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Cedric veto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric veto   Cedric veto - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 05, 2024 6:07 pm

I think this group of idiots is trying to show loyalty to their group, but that only goes so far. Some of these people who think they are riding high in The Collective, don't realize they are on the bottom of that group. So yeah, go ahead and stay true to your stupid group of 8 plus a couple side people and when you are on the block with nobody to grab a few votes from, make your way to the jury because your services are no longer needed!

The questions are which way some people lean when things play out this week. People like Rubina, Brooklyn, and Mak can swing things quite a bit. Chelsie is very tied to Rubina and Brooklyn, she just hasn't really jumped in because they want to play with Leah and she can't go there. Even Angela could be pivotal in the vote which Tucker should ABSOLUTELY own right now.

Like you said, we need to get Quinn on that block and Tucker to whip his ass in the AI arena. Six possible votes to send him out would be Tucker (assuming he wins AI arena or Kenney if he wins it), Rubina, Leah, Mak, Brooklyn, and Angela. Brooklyn would be a bit harder, but if Tucker and Kenney go to her and say that they were told things, and are no longer looking at her to be on the short list to be evicted, she could be swayed, especially if Rubina (who I think she is closest with) in on that side. This could get interesting for sure.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

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Cedric veto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric veto   Cedric veto - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 05, 2024 7:36 pm

So there are people who are nervous about the America vote for the replacement nom even though The Collective/Pentagon members for the most part want to see the replacement nom as a pawn and not an option to send out the door.

Joe, the resident Yoda with all the wisdom, told everyone it will be someone who doesn't have much airtime. Joe said he is okay because he has played in 2 vetoes and got his airtime for that. He also said it would be someone who is kind of forgettable, so again it won't be him because he has a mustache and that makes him more memorable. This makes me wonder if he grew that mustache simply for that thought process.

Some people think that Angela will be the renom, but I would think she is safe having already been saved by veto, but I could be wrong. When they have had these kinds of powers in the past the basic parts of the game usually remain true like someone saved by veto, or an HOH being safe from these things, so that is what I base that on.

I just REALLY hope all this social media uproar and the talking they SHOULD be doing in the house over the next few days shifts that vote to be Quinn AND that BB doesn't put their thumb on the scale.
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Cedric veto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric veto   Cedric veto - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 05, 2024 7:48 pm

It won't be Angela, her stock is actually rising in popularity for the way she went after Cedric in the post veto meeting one on ones. She told him that he was handed a golden apple and he threw it away. And she is 1--% right on this one. Unless Quinn wins AI Arena he would go home if Cedric stuck to the original plan. Tuckers logic on it made perfect sense to call him out for the power. Plus, as we've all seen so much, the "wishes of the HoH" carry way too much weight and all he had to do was say it was his wish. But instead he thought it too risky because then Quinn would come after him if he survives the block. People are going to be after his ass now regardless.

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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Cedric veto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric veto   Cedric veto - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 05, 2024 10:41 pm

I also read about Angela and Quinn having a bit of a tiff where she said he was trying to do and say things that made her look bad on the outside of the house (making it look like she was singling a group out because they are POC) and then not defending her afterward when T'kor was calling her out about it. Quinn apparently got REALLY animated on that conversation and some people said they had never seen him like that. Of course I would have LOVED to go back and watch, but......

All Cedric had to do was go ahead with the replacement being Quinn. When making the replacement he could preface it by saying this person has been lying to a lot of on many levels. This person has a power that is a threat to every one of us and we need to expel that from the game if at all possible. Quinn take a seat.

Then he could have answered questions and such once the meeting was over. Cedric could just tell people in his group that someone like that is a threat to anyone working with him because he is lying to all of them. Everyone can use their own judgement come Thursday and if they want to save him with their vote, it is up to them, but this was the only way it would be exposed.

Oh, and now Joe thinks he could be screwed as a possible pick to go on the block because he left a "really mean good-bye message" for Matt and America might not like that. This guy really thinks everything he does makes the show.
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Cedric veto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric veto   Cedric veto - Page 2 EmptyMon Aug 05, 2024 10:51 pm

Mak talked to Quinn and he told her that she was really smart because she shared the information with people, but he didn't (schmoozing for sure). She then asked him if he was going to use the power next week and he said he will probably "have to use it" even though he didn't want to. He told her he would put up Kenney and Angela and then some sort of pawn. So he is assuming that Tucker is already gone.

All I could think is that Quinn is going to waste this immense power to take out Kenny or Angela, what a fucking waste and what a pussy move AGAIN.

It would be great if someone wins the HOH that Quinn thinks is on his side so he doesn't use his power and they put his ass on the block anyway or at least be replacement nom after veto, but I don't see that happening either.

T'kor seems to be VERY pissed off that Kimo and Quinn didn't tell HER about this power. I honestly thought he had, but she thought those were the people she could trust with everything. I am guessing that all girls alliance is looking even better to her now, huh?
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Cedric veto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric veto   Cedric veto - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 06, 2024 2:52 am

After reading some and watching some conversations today, I am convinced that these morons actually will vote to keep Quinn or ANYONE who happens to be the America choice candidate.

I thought there was a chance that Tucker could flip people over and rally a few people together, but for whatever reason he is on this "woe is me" campaign talking to people, saying that Cedric didn't make it clear he wouldn't put up Quinn and looking at the conversation it appears all Cedric said was they don't have the votes and Tucker said he was doing it anyway and Cedric walked away. I guess it could be interpreted more than one way, but the fact that he ran to The Pentagon and a few of The Collective members to tell them Tucker and Kenney came to him with a plan to take out Quinn because of his power kind of points to Cedric not telling him he WOULDN'T do it. So there is a problem on both sides for that one.

Now for the conversations, Tucker should be spending more time talking about Quinn's power and his various groups that he didn't tell his group about. There are a few of these "extra groups" where Quinn was the founding member that brought various people together and Tucker is aware of some of those. I say this because some of Quinn's advocates are saying it doesn't make any difference if he said yes to other alliances because nobody should ever refuse one and things like that. They can't make that argument is if HE is the one making those groups.

Also, T'kor hasn't talked to Quinn or Kimo about this situation yet, and Rubina asked her why. T'kor said she is "not good with confrontation" and Rubina said it isn't confrontation, it is her feelings. Now she had ZERO trouble with confrontation with Angela over something that wasn't even the narrative, just something that Quinn helped spin up to cause her problems. T'kor really thought she had her pulse on the house and knew about all these groups.

I wish we would get to see what the hg's are saying Thursday during the AI comp once they know who the other person competing happens to be because I think there will be A LOT of campaigning happening during that time as well.
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Male Posts : 14422
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Cedric veto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric veto   Cedric veto - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 06, 2024 8:50 am

No idea why these idiots are so loyal to Quinn. It's like a mini version of Seson 19 when Paul could have pissed on them while they slept and they still were loyal to him.

The ones who will need to campaign on Thursday are Kenney and Tucker and they will be in ht AI arena so cannot campaign until afterwards, but they need to get ahead of the game and hope that it's Quinn. Mak and Leah also need to campaign if/when Quinn is named. If I'm in that house and in an alliance with Quinn, the first thing I'm asking myself about Quinn is that if he kept all these alliances and this power from me, what else is he keeping from me? I'm not going to take him at his word with the bullshit reasons that it was to protect me. I'm gonna push him hard.

This isn;t over yet because you just know Angela is gonna have another blowup but the differene this time is that she can have Tucker backing her up. IT was still stupid of Tucker to save Angela and not himself. He could very easily have saved himself and they still could have done the Quinn renom, but his arrogance that he can win any AI arena at the drop of a hat clouded his judgement
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Male Posts : 14422
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Cedric veto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric veto   Cedric veto - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 06, 2024 3:01 pm

I changed our main pic at the top of the page to the latest alliance chart just because I keep forgetting who is where.

Anyhow, to get Quinn out, I figure they only need one more person to flip. Here is how I figure it now if Quinn gets nommed and does not win AI

To evict Quinn

To evict Kenney/Tucker

Cedric will not vote.

There's no way Brooklyn flips if Kenney is still up there, she wants him gone. And with good reason as he's been identified as claiming an all-femal alliance led by Brooklyn, which he admitted to her. I don't think Joseph/Cam has a good enough read on the game to be able to convince them of anything and Quinn has a spell on them. I think the ones you need to try to work on are Kimo and T'Kor but wiht Kimo you can;t use the "Quinn didn't tell you about the power" card
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

Female Posts : 12460
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Cedric veto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric veto   Cedric veto - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 06, 2024 4:45 pm

I think Cam will vote with them because of Leah. Also, Joe told Tucker about The Collective and told him all the members that night after they had their official hands in thing where Joe thought he had done the whole thing and was the star of the show. What if Tucker talks to him about how he is on the bottom of that group because there are a BUNCH of other groups that he isn't even aware of and that NOBODY has to know how he voted anyway. Or, Tucker could also say that he might have to let others know he knows all the members of The Collective and the person who gave him the information.

I don't see Kimo flipping unless T'kor does and then I'm not sure he would do it. Tucker needs to talk to both of them and make sure they understand that in their big group Quinn will now be the first target and since the 2 of them are the closest to him, they will be up there next to him. If he wins veto, then one of them go home because of Quinn's deception and problems. T'kor told Kimo last night that the only people she trusts at this point are him and Rubina, NOBODY else and they have to worry about Quinn's problems becoming theirs.
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Male Posts : 14422
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Cedric veto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric veto   Cedric veto - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 08, 2024 5:22 pm

WEll they are gona start some of the flashback bullshit tonight. I'm sure we won't see it all though and more wll be done on Sunday. There's no way they can fir everything that's left in tonight's show with having to do the nom reveal, AI Arena challenge and vote. Well maybe they could if they cut out some commericials, but BB never does that , they need to get that money
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V.I.P. Thread Hog

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Cedric veto - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cedric veto   Cedric veto - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 08, 2024 6:52 pm

I notice Cedric didn't tell the group it was about the power. Is is possible he didn't say that, just that Tucker wanted him gone? And I also noticed that when Tucker was talking to Cedric about him making a bitch ass move, Cedric didn't come back with any rebuttal that he told him NOT to do it, just agreeing that he has someone coming after him now. I know they can edit it any way they want to, but these are details I was interested in and I think if things had happened the way Cedric said, they would be showing it.
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